Our Sources.

Why did we choose these websites?


Adfam is a charity supporting family and friends of anyone struggling with alcohol, drugs, or gambling. They are funded through donations and provide information, resources, events, and direct support through a range of projects across the UK – including York and North Yorkshire.

Good for: advice about supporting someone with addiction

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The Talk About Trust

The Talk About Trust (Formerly Alcohol Education Trust) is a charity that helps young people stay safe around alcohol, vaping, cannabis and other substances. They complete their own research, create guides and interactive quizzes, and offer training for teachers and professionals.

Good for: anything about young people, alcohol, and drugs.

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American Lung association

The American Lung Association is a charitable health organisation campaigning for better lung health. Smoking, vaping, and tobacco products in general are of special concern. Their website offers research and educational resources to help better understand the risks.

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Big think

Big Think is an American online magazine that tackles the big, philosophical questions of our time. For drug queries, it turns to people like Maia Szalavitz, a neuroscience journalist who specialises in drug issues, and Dominic Milton Trott, who tried 157 drugs and wrote the Drug Bible.  

Good for: intellectual discussion about drugs

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Catch 22

Catch 22 is a social business with a vision to improve the wellbeing of all members of society. As well as providing direct support to individuals, it offers free resources about major issues affecting society today – including drugs.  

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Club soda

Club Soda started as a small Facebook group and now describes itself as a ‘mindful drinking movement’ complete with its own website, research, podcast, and educational courses. 

You pay for their courses, but their blogs and drinks guides are free. We would recommend them for consumer advice around low-alcohol and alcohol-free drinks. 

Good for: finding low alcohol and alcohol-free drinks 

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CREW is a Scottish drug charity providing outreach support, counselling, and training. It receives funding from City of Edinburgh council, Scottish government, and grants funding. Although its resources are aimed at a Scottish audience, they are modern, up-to-date, reliable, and relevant for anyone taking drugs.

Good for: Detailed guides for taking amphetamines, benzos, cannabis, cocaine, ecstasy

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Dance Safe

DanceSafe is an American social enterprise providing drug checking services as well as plenty of advice about drugs, sex, and consent. It was founded in the San Francisco Bay Area in 1998 and has expanded across the USA ever since. 

Good for: Advice about drugs, sex, and nights out.

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Drinkaware is the industry standard for promoting safer alcohol use. You’ll often see their logo on drink adverts and products. Drinkaware is an independent charity but does receive donations from the drinks industry. You can find any research used to inform their guides referenced at the end of the webpage.

Good for: assessing your own drinking and downloading the app to track your use

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Drink Drug Hub

Drink Drug Hub has been created by North Yorkshire Horizons to provide reliable information about drink and drugs, with every factsheet, video, guide, and news article checked so you know you can trust it. Anyone living in North Yorkshire can also attend our free training or awareness events, as well as discovering learning opportunities provided by other agencies across our region.  

drugs and me

Drugs and Me is run by a small team of students and scientists who research and write about drugs – for people who take drugs. All information on the site is based on peer-reviewed academic publications, or where these are unavailable, from crowdsourced sources. You can find these referenced at the end of each page. 

Good for: anything to do with taking drugs at festivals, parties, nights out, and experimentation

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Drug Science

Drug Science was founded by Professor David Nutt, who was famously dismissed by the government in 2009 as Chair of the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs for saying that alcohol and tobacco were more harmful than many illegal drugs. Today, Professor Nutt leads a committee of scientists at Drug Science campaigning for evidence-based drug policies.  

Good for: all the science about drugs; history of drug policy; opinion on current drug policy

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What started out in 1968 as the institute for the Study of Drug Dependence (ISDD), became DrugScope in 2000, and is now called DrugWise. It provides accurate information about drugs, alcohol, and tobacco based on science. With journalist and author Harry Shapiro as director, it is a well-respected source of information for professionals working in the field.

Good for: all the latest research, articles and news about drugs, alcohol, and tobacco

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exchange supplies

Exchange Supplies is more than a company selling drug equipment. Founded by nurse Andrew Preston in the early 2000s, the fledgling firm broke the law to supply citric acid and other equipment to reduce the risks of injecting. Booklets and DVDs soon followed, with these now available online.

Good for: guidance and supplies for safer injecting.

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Family Lives

Family Lives was set up 40 years ago by volunteers to help families before they reach crisis point. Their website provides advice for parents of children of all ages, including a section dedicated to drink and drugs. They also provide a helpline.

Good for: Parenting support and advice.

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Fearless is the dedicated youth service of the independent charity Crimestoppers. Aimed at 11–18-year-olds, they provide young people with a safe place to give information about crime 100% anonymously. 

Good for: reporting and understanding crime

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Talk to FRANK is the government’s go-to site for young people with questions about drugs. It runs very brief news features. It is best known for its comprehensive A-Z guide about drugs.  

Good for:  A – Z drugs guide. Finding support anywhere in the UK.

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global drug survey

Professor Adam Winstock set up Global Drug Survey in 2011. Every year, this independent research company asks people all over the world what drugs they take, how they take them, where they buy them, and what they pay. They publish all their findings and provide short videos and tools to help people better understand their drug use.     

Good for: data on current global drug trends; video guides; tools to measure your own drug use.  

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The Hepatitis Trust

The Hepatitis C Trust is a charity dedicated to eliminating hepatitis C in the UK by 2030. It was founded in 2001 by four people who met while looking for ways to manage their condition. It provides, training, information and support for those affected by Hep C.

Good for: Information, advice and support about Hepatitis C.

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HIT is well-respected within the drugs field, providing training, resources, organising conferences, running media campaigns, and advising on drug-related issues locally, nationally, and internationally. You pay for their printed resources, but HIT has collaborated with major UK drug and alcohol services to provide social media images for free.

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INPUD (International Network of People who use Drugs) is a global organisation promoting the health and rights of people who use drugs. They publish reports and positional statements, campaigning against the criminalisation of people who use drugs.

Good for: advising professionals, organisations, governments, how to support people who use drugs.

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Jon Derricott

Jon Derricott is an independent film maker specialising in the drugs field. He has made films for Global Drug Survey, Hep C Trust, and Public Health England. His film showing how to inject street heroin can be found on Jon’s YouTube channel, starring harm reduction activist Danny Morris.

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Morning After

Morning After is a campaign run by Think!, the Department for Transport’s road safety initiative. Since launching in 2000, Think! has run campaigns about speeding, wearing seatbelts, using mobile phones, and drink and drug driving.

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NACOA (National Association for Children Of Alcoholics) was set up in 1990 as a helpline for children of parents with alcohol issues. Since then, they have received over 355,000 calls. A website was launched in 1998, and today it provides guides and information to support anyone affected by a parent’s alcohol use.

Good for: support for anyone affected by a parent’s drinking.

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National Post

The National Post is a Canadian newspaper. It does not specialise in stories about drink and drugs, but it did interview Johann Hari who wrote a book about addiction called Chasing the Scream. His TED Talk ‘Everything you think you know about addiction is wrong’ has been viewed over 10 million views. If you don’t have time to watch that, then watch this – his interview with the National Post.

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Nigel Brunsdon

Nigel Brunsdon set up the harm reduction website injectingadvice.com, works as a community manager for hit.org.uk, and also runs a harm reduction photography business. He hasn’t uploaded videos to YouTube for some time, but his clip about low dead space syringes remains relevant and stars three leading authorities on the subject in Professor Robert Heimer, William Zule and Andrew Preston.

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Not My Child

Leah was just 15 when she died in 2019 in Northallerton after experimenting with drugs. Her mum Kerry has teamed up with Police Fire and Crime Commissioner Zoë Metcalfe to create the Not My Child webpage to help parents understand drugs, discuss drugs with children, and find support.

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NYSCP is a partnership of North Yorkshire’s statutory safeguarding partners. NYSCP’s website provides safeguarding information and includes the Be Aware knowledge hub. Designed in collaboration with young people, parents, and carers, it signposts all the best resources about child exploitation in our region.

Good for: advice about county lines, online safety, exploitation, and how to access support.

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Public Health Wales

Public Health Wales is the national public health agency in Wales. Their wound care video is clear, concise, and easy to follow. In Wales you can pick up a ready-made ACT pack to clean and dress your wounds. In North Yorkshire, you can get everything you need from your local drug service.

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Release is run by a team of drug and legal experts. They are independently funded and provide support and advice for people using drugs. They want you to know your legal rights if you are stopped and searched or arrested for a drug-related offence.

Good for: understanding the legal status of drugs, and what happens if you are arrested.

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Re-Solv is a UK charity supporting people and families struggling with solvent abuse. Founded in 1984, at the height of the UK’s solvent panic, it remains the go to organisation if you’re using gas, aerosols, Nos, poppers, petrol, glues, solvents and other volatile substances. 

Good for: anything solvent-related.

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ross kemp tv

TV actor Ross Kemp is by no means an expert about drink and drugs. However, there is no question about the expertise of the people he interviews on his podcast. Professor David Nutt, founder of Drug Science, was his guest explaining the harms of alcohol.

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SAMHSA is a US government backed agency aiming to improve the lives of people living with mental health and substance use disorders. They provide factsheets, videos, and resources to inform people about drug-related risks and how to access help.

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Sesame street

Sesame Street tackles the thorny issues affecting children growing up including parental addiction. Alongside the TV show, the Sesame Street in Communities website hosts a range of videos and activities helping children understand addiction, difficult emotions, and that it is not their fault. 

Good for: activities and educational resources for young children.

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Substance Misuse resources

Substance Misuse Resources provides training and information booklets about drugs and alcohol. A wide range of drug and alcohol support services use their resources, some of which you can access online for free.

Good for: resources around substance misuse.

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the alcohol free shop

The Alcohol-Free Shop was set up in 2006 by John Risby who struggled with his own alcohol use and had stopped drinking two years earlier. Today it stocks a wide range of alcohol-free drinks, from spirits to beers, wines, ciders, and cocktails.

Good for: shopping for alcohol-free drinks

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the conversation

The Conversation is a news outlet with a difference. There are no adverts or subscriptions. Instead, it is funded by universities, research institutes and reader donations. Every article is written by an expert in their field. That means you can read articles by people like Harry Sumnall, professor in Substance Use at Liverpool John Moores University, for free.

Good for: informed news and opinions about drink and drugs.

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the exchange

The Exchange is a web series exploring issues affecting teenagers, hosted by PSHE Educator Hannah Dawes. We’ve chosen her interviews with Professor David Nutt, Drugs Researcher Anya Aggarwal (@addictionwithanya), and PHD student Ryyan Zafar, of Imperial College London, as standout episodes.  

Good for: in-depth discussions about drugs, mental health, emotions

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the go-to

The Go-To signposts North Yorkshire’s young people to find help and support with their mental health and wellbeing. North Yorkshire CCG and North Yorkshire County Council provide the funding. Young people helped develop the site. 

Good for: finding mental health support for North Yorkshire’s young people

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the loop

The Loop is an award-winning drug checking service. The Loop’s staff and volunteers attend festivals offering free drug testing so that people know for sure what they are taking. They collect information about all the drugs they test, publish research, and train professionals. 

Good for: information about the strength and content of festival drugs.

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The mix

The Mix is a UK charity helping young people explore drugs, mental health, body image, sex, and anything else awkward. As well as offering advice and support, they create articles and videos that won’t swamp you with facts, stats, and research, but will link you to the best support.

Good for: asking anything awkward.

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Thinkuknow is an education programme from the National Crime Agency’s CEOP Command. It provides information to children, young people, parents, carers, and professionals to help protect against sexual abuse and exploitation of children and young people.  

Good for: advice about online safety for children and young people.

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Vice started out as a Canadian magazine covering sex, drugs, and rock n’ roll. Today it is an international, multi-platform outlet. Whether you agree with Vice’s stance on drugs comes down to your own personal viewpoint. But plenty of leading drug experts appear in Vice videos, including The Loop’s senior scientist Guy Jones in their ‘Always Practice Safe Sesh’ series.

Good for: slick videos about drugs and drug culture.

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Young Minds

Young Minds is a charity providing mental health information and advice to young people, parents, and carers. They have a panel of young people who help guide the charity. They are funded through grants and donations. 

Good for: mental health advice for children and young people.

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